Saturday, December 26, 2009

For A Soul's Safe Journey Home

Today is the day that Holy Mother Church celebrates the feastday of Stephen, the very first disciple who died for his faith in Jesus. Being the first Christian martyr, his story is one where we can draw a lot of inspiration from. Before he breathed his last, he prayed for his persecutors – led by Saul himself (who later became St Paul post conversion). As scripture asserts, a few moments before his death – as he was being stoned – St Stephen’s face shone like the face of an angel. And after he asked God to forgive his killers, he exclaimed: “Lord, receive my spirit!”

On a more personal level, today was an extra-special day, as we had invited our Chaplain, Fr Marce, to come to our home chapel to celebrate Holy Mass for the eternal repose of my father’s soul. On this occasion of his 40th day after death, we ask St Stephen to help us pray for Daddy’s journey to Heaven, our true home.

Daddy, may God’s angels meet you and conduct your soul to the sight of the Most High. With the powerful intercession of St Stephen, may the Good Lord, Who has called you back to Him, lovingly and mercifully receive your soul.

Daddy, requiescas in pace!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Unto Us A Child Is Born!

From my family to yours, we wish you happiness and joy this Christmas season and bountiful blessings for the coming year.

May the glorious countenance of the Christ Child shine upon us and bring us PEACE.

Venite adoremus Dominum!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Testing The Waters

Hmm... Been contemplating this for a while now, but it was not until recently that I decided to finally do it. So here I am. And although I have been sorta' kinda' "blogging" (here) intermittently via one of those networking vehicles for a couple of years or so, I thought I'd now venture out into BLOGGER. Hence this page. (By the way, thank you, Michelle for a lovely design!)

I thought, what better time to commence this endeavour than Advent, the start of the Liturgical Year (or whatever is left of it before THE Feastday of all feastdays), especially because this blog is more aimed at documenting our family's spiritual journey (and collateral experiences) throughout the liturgical year than anything else.

And what an inspiring time of the year! Apart from encouraging the kids to keep doing their good deeds and sacrifices to earn them pieces of straw to line Baby Jesus' manger, we are also in the middle of decluttering and doing a big clean up of the house. Hopefully we can get it spotless (or as close to it as we can) in time for Christmas!

Of course, part of our attempts to get our life in better order is not to neglect the spiritual. And although constantly struggling, we have been trying to get to daily Mass in the evenings (so we can all go as a family). And hopefully we can successfully approach the Sacrament of Penance by Thursday, to do a big "clean-up" of our souls, too!

Veni, veni Emmanuel, captivum solve Israel!