Monday, March 15, 2010

March Madness

The last few weeks have been rather chaotic around the house. Nevertheless, we have been trying hard to focus on our Lenten observances, although we have had to deal with distractions, as well.

Brighteyes turned 2 last March 10, but we decided to keep it quiet and celebrate in and amongst our own family. The birthday celebration mainly consisted of going to Mass (for thanksgiving) and singing "happy birthday" to our little celebrant over a small caramel mudcake (purchased, and took 2 minutes to decorate) which everyone enjoyed.

Some weeks ago, hubby decided he wanted to take the family to America to meet his relatives. Although I have met most of his family on our trip over in 1999, I thought it would be wonderful for the kids to finally meet their cousins, aunties and uncles in hubby's side of the family. Also, hubby wanted to visit 2 of his ailing aunties, one of them afflicted with cancer. So, although I was reluctant at first to travel at this time of the year, this trip - I'm glad - will be largely family oriented.

The "big trip" is set for the third week of the month, to stay for 3 weeks. But being the most disorganized person I know, I am ashamed to say that I have only applied for a passport for Brighteyes last week, and we only have 1 1/2 weeks to go before we are scheduled to fly out! Well, if God wills it, it will happen.

Among the things I plan to organize for the trip include some activities for the kids to keep focused on this liturgical season. Also, hubby and I spoke about daily Mass and how we would really like to keep the practice up even while on this trip. We hope not to compromise on our family prayer time, so sacramentals (i.e. rosaries, prayerbooks) will be in our packing list, too. We also resolved not to visit places like Disneyland and the like, because we both decided it could very well ruin the austerity of the season which we are trying hard to achieve. Besides, we both agreed it will have no benefits for the kids, whatsoever.

However, apart from spending time with family, we have also arranged to go on a side trip on the Holy Triduum-Easter period (i.e. Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday) to the Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama to participate in the activities leading up to the big feastday of Easter. We are of course very much looking forward to it. In fact, the kids are so excited about this part of the trip that we can often hear them talking about meeting this personality and that - especially those that they have gotten to know through the years on EWTN, the Catholic Network. We have strong doubts about this, though - especially knowing what a busy time it will be in the liturgical year for all religious; but getting to the shrine would be such a great blessing already!

Packing for the trip is yet to start, especially because I have been procrastinating about it, but I am hoping to finally get started with it by this weekend. We plan to travel light, but I don't know how possible that is, especially packing for 6 people and having been told that we will be needing some warm clothes for our stay.

Meanwhile, my 2 students have been plodding along fine at school. We have tried hard to stick to the timetable and lesson plans. Although going on this trip will mean we would have to work extra hard when we get back in order to catch up with the work that we will be lagging behind on, we will choose not to worry about it until we return. :)

By and large, we are all looking forward to the trip, especially about hubby reuniting with his family after more than 10 years, myself reuniting with a very special person in my life that I have not seen for about the same time, and the children finally meeting other members of the family. And of course, the Easter pilgrimage will be an extra special highlight, as well.

Laudate Dominum, quia benignus est: psallite nomini ejus, quoniam suavis est: omnia quaecumque voluit, fecit in coelo et in terra. (offertory verse, 4th Sunday of Lent)